Re: US assassination drones kill 60 more today - still no book

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Posted by PaulK on December 23, 2010 at 13:11:39:

In Reply to: US assassination drones kill 60 more today - still no book posted by Jan on December 18, 2010 at 18:30:42:

I'm glad somebody is finally talking about this, even if it's only in a discussion site about books. Maybe it's only people who read serious books that care about this kind of thing.

Personally, it's been driving me crazy that nobody is talking about it. It's like something terrible is happening that has never happened before and nobody cares. I keep on asking myself how can this be happening? Is this some kind of strange emperor has no clothes on nightmare where I see what is happening and nobody else does?

Here's a link to an article about it - "US drone missiles slaughtered 700 Pakistani civilians in 2009".

: US assassination drones killed 60 more "suspects" today, and still nobody seems to notice.

: What would the world think if that US soldier who was guiding those drones put a gun to the head of those 60 suspects and pulled the trigger.

: Why isn't anybody noticing? Doe no one care about executing possibly innocent people anymore - as long the only "suspects" we kill are foreigners?

: Don't believe me? Think it's impossible the US could be doing such a thing? Here is a link to the news about it:


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